A Note on Henry Dudeney’s Pentagon-Square Dissection

Henry Dudeney gives a method for dissecting a square so that its pieces can be rearranged to form a pentagon. I found it in a copy of Dudeney’s book “Amusements in Mathematics” on Project Guetnberg here. It is puzzle #155 (“Pentagon and Square”) and I found another copy of it here: You will notice that two points are labeled ‘F’, one inside the pentagon and one inside the square. I’m embarrassed to say it took me a good fifteen […]


My Puzzle Selling Debut!

I have to say I am very impressed with Henry Dudeney and his dissection puzzles, specifically his Triangle dissection and his Greek Cross dissection. I thought they might look cool in colored acrylic so I made a bunch and they are now available at Eureka Puzzles and LittleBits Toys. Pictures and more information are available here on my Items for Sale page.


Great Puzzle Websites

Hola! This is my first blog entry and I thought I’d start by sharing some incredibly useful websites I’ve come across over the years. In no particular order, here they are: http://home.comcast.net/~stegmann/home.htm http://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/ http://www.puzzlepalace.com/ http://mechanical-puzzles.blogspot.com/ http://www.constantin-jean-clau.de/ http://puzzle-obsessed.blogspot.com/ http://www.puzzle-place.com/wiki/Main_Page http://smallpuzzlecollection.blogspot.com/ http://www.puzzlemad.co.uk/ http://www.puzzlewillbeplayed.com/index.html http://apuzzlingblog.blogspot.com/ http://www.chosi.org/puzzles/index.htm http://ipp30.blogspot.com/ http://allardspuzzlingtimes.blogspot.com/ http://puzzlerookie.blogspot.com/ http://superpuzzles.blogspot.com/ http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~storer/JimPuzzles/index.html http://puzzlemuseum.com/index.htm http://www.puzzlewood.de/gallery/index.php http://www.squaring.net/index.html http://puzzling-parts.thejuggler.net/ Some of the puzzles shown on these websites are absolutely brilliant.
