I can’t deny that producing Model #357 has had more than its fair share of twists and turns but the main thing now is … It’s done! I assembled, tested, retested, and boxed every single one of them:

Based on hearing what my customers have asked for and seeing what other puzzle makers do, I’ve decided to announce the release date well in advance so that people don’t miss out on getting one. Personally, I very much doubt that the #357s will sell out in less than a couple of months but I figure there’s no harm in giving folks some advance notice.
So, on November 28th at 8pm EST, the Model #357 puzzles will be made available for sale on my Etsy store.
Now that it’s finally done I’m almost bursting with the urge to tell everyone how it works, why I made this or that design choice, why I picked this or that color, etc. But of course that way spoilers lie so I’ll just keep my trap shut.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
November 27th, 2023 UPDATE:
I forgot to mention that I’m making only 200 of the Model #357s and each one is hand engraved with its serial number. In previous posts I had talked about possibly making as many as customer demand justified but I’ve changed my mind. Making these things is ridiculously labor intensive!
I received this puzzle about a week ago, from my favourite supplier, PuzzleMaster of Saskatoon, Canada. I have not yet made a serious effort to disassemble it. Like with all my precious puzzles, I have so far just enjoyed holding it, feeling its heft, appreciating its integrity from the outside. It feels and stands as a work of art. I will take my time working to solve and reassemble it. I am happy that are no spoilers out there, as yet, and would appreciate that no one might let out any solution.
Thanks for the kind words! Personally, I’m really pleased with how it came out and glad you like it too. Now I need to get to work on the next one, Model #529.